Autism and Parasites: Is There a Link?

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that affects behavior and communication. Autism symptoms are often common with other diagnosed conditions, and some will vary greatly in severity.

The social component is usually the one that stands out in one of it’s three components:

  • interaction challenges

  • communication difficulties

  • repetitive practices

Could intestinal parasites be linked to autism spectrum disorder?

If we take a deeper look into autism spectrum disorder, there might be another symptom to look at. Some researchers have started asking “Should we look be looking for internal parasites?”

Some children diagnosed with autism have a compromised GI tract function due to a pathogen overload. Unfortunately, their pain is often perceived as a subjective complaint and is ignored.

Although research has shown an overlap of GI symptoms and autism spectrum disease, the link is not established. However, the presence of a permeable gut membrane has been acknowledged with certainty.

This leads to a jeopardized environment of both oxygen and alkaline pH. The new acidic milieu is ideal for an overgrowth of all pathogens including parasites.

Could these intestinal parasites be linked to the autism spectrum disorder? Some doctors dismiss the possibility, but with no clear answer, the question remains.

Where can you go from here?

Autism spectrum disorder is challenging since it limits communication skills and affects behavior. Until a definitive cause can be found, the link between internal parasites and autism continues to be investigated.

As you continue to delve into possible solutions, give us a call about how we can help. We would love to be a part of your team!


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