Lyme Disease and Treatment

Should you seek a Lyme Disease Specialist?

You are feeling fatigued, experiencing a lagging overall achiness, heart palpitations, poor sleep and brain fog, yet you pay a visit to your doctor who says you do not have Lyme Disease, so no need to test any further. Maybe you have a firm diagnosis but you do not know whom to turn to for help. Lyme Disease is well known to be very complex, yet it is still not very well understood. Should you rely on a Lyme Disease Specialist who claims to have healed so many people using their Lyme Disease treatment protocol?

What kind of approach is used in Lyme disease treatment?

It used to be simpler when antibiotics were successfully used as a one step approach to heal Lyme disease. Since then, it has metamorphosed into ambiguity and torment for an excessive amount of people around the world. Either the diagnosis is uncertain or the treatments are ineffective. In it’s early stages, Lyme is still targeted with antibiotics, yet if it has become chronic and the whole body is now affected, a multilevel integrative approach can be used to set a base optimization to the repair of nerves and structure. After all, a healthy body can defend itself when given the tools it needs.

How you can move forward

In spite of the severity of Lyme Disease symptoms, staying focused on a multi-level holistic approach can offer the body a perfect environment for balance. An array of combined methods mingled together should include bodywork, lymphatic drainage, nutritional consultation, repair and regeneration, as well as reduction of oxidative stress and pain. This natural approach will solidly equip the body’s own innate healing power because it takes into account all facets of the condition, therefore leaving very little possibility to cause harm. Taking charge of your own health and recovery is the first step to wellness, followed by a search for professionals who agree to work with you, as well as with a network of very committed and knowledgeable practitioners. Do not delay. Call us for an appointment.


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