
Substance P
Substance P is a neuropeptide that functions as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator within the central and peripheral nervous systems. This peptide is involved in numerous physiological and pathological processes, impacting pain perception, inflammation, cardiovascular and respiratory functions, gastrointestinal motility, immune response, mental health, and dermatological conditions. This article provides an in-depth look at the systemic effects of Substance P, supported by scientific references.

Gut Balance and the Immune System
The microbe community that resides in the gut protects you from pathogens and plays a big role in digestion, the creation of nutrients, detoxification, and management of the immune system. Due to these connected discoveries, it is believed that gut health can affect general health. Seeking gut restoration and balance leads to a stronger immune system. How can one accomplish better gut balance?

25 Natural Ways to Defeat Stress
No one likes feeling stressed. Thankfully, there are many ways that you can reduce your anxieties and boost your happy-making hormones. Here are just a few suggestions for managing your stress.

How to keep financial stress from affecting your health
Financial issues are overwhelming at times, to the point where they can start to affect your health. The impact of stress on your health may end up being something that grows into a major health concern. To combat financial worry, planning and taking steps to enjoy life will have you worrying less and smiling more often.

What does cortisol do to your body when you are stressed?
While we want to believe that we are handling our challenges to the best of our ability, chronic stress can make us susceptible to a host of health issues. Insomnia, compromised immunity, high blood pressure, inflammation, and poor digestion are just a few of the problems that can develop as the body has to deal with high levels of stress.

How is stress affecting your health?
Stress is a part of everyday life. Driving through rush hour traffic, tight deadlines at work, even cleaning the house can all contribute to daily stress. While we expect to experience certain regular stressors, too much stress can have serious consequences for your health — especially your digestive health.

Life after your gallbladder
Removing your gallbladder will take care of those nagging and often painful symptoms. However, there can be some digestive side effects when you don’t have that bile reservoir.

Should you be concerned about your dental fillings?
For many years the dental industry has used amalgam fillings. These are also referred to as “silver fillings” because of their silver-like appearance. Recently, though, there’s been controversy about negative effects these fillings could have on your body. A major concern is the chronic effects these fillings can cause since they can release mercury and other metals over time. The resulting toxicity can be found in your blood, urine, hair and nails.

How diet can improve your fibromyalgia symptoms
Although the root causes of Fibromyalgia have not been discovered yet, an individual can and should swiftly make certain lifestyle changes to help reduce the suffering. The various types of pain brought about by the illness can be relieved by a modified Fibromyalgia diet.

7 ways to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis can be one of the most painful and crippling of the autoimmune diseases. The effects of the disease usually manifests in the joints and can cause fevers and weight loss. Quality of life suffers for those with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Luckily, with certain lifestyle choices, living with this illness is possible. Here are seven tips to help relieve the condition.

Lyme disease: symptoms and treatment
Lyme disease can affect anyone, so it’s important to understand how it’s contracted, how the symptoms show up, and how to make treatment decisions. You should always seek out a Lyme disease specialist who can offer multiple options for treatment. Energy medicine can be very beneficial to the individual suffering from Lyme disease.

Ulcerative Colitis and Holistic Cancer Treatments
Ulcerative Colitis is a bowel disease which causes severe inflammation in the large intestine. The symptoms can vary from person to person. Most of the time they include some form of bloody stool, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and dizziness. Understanding the possible causes and alternative options can help you minimize or end these effects.

Crohn’s disease symptoms and parasites
Each day can be different for a Crohn’s disease patient. And symptoms can vary from person to person. Some of the most common include pain, bloody stools, lethargy, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Over time fistulas can develop in the perianal area and ulcers become more common. At times it may feel like living a normal life is impossible. Is there a way to restore balance to a Crohn’s body?

Lupus Symptoms in Women
Lupus remains a mystery despite the number of people diagnosed every year. A lupus diagnosis can affect any part of a person’s body. It occurs when the body’s immune system attacks it’s own tissues and organs.

Autism and Parasites: Is There a Link?
Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that affects behavior and communication. Autism symptoms are often common with other diagnosed conditions, and some will vary greatly in severity. If we take a deeper look into autism spectrum disorder, there might be another symptom to look at. Some researchers have started asking “Should we look be looking for internal parasites?”

Finding a Lyme Disease Specialist
The acute stage of Lyme disease is typically treated with antibiotics. However, in the chronic stages, there needs to be a more holistic approach. Lyme disease works in mysterious ways. Not everyone will experience the same symptoms, and not all cases are resolved the same way. What works for others may not work for you and vice versa.

How Can a Naturopathic Doctor Help My Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is an imbalance that causes pain in the whole musculoskeletal system. Symptoms can include issues with fatigue, mood, memory, digestive, fungus, PMS and a variety of other symptoms. While the cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, a naturopathic doctor will focus on correcting the cause of the body’s imbalance. It IS possible to feel better and stay well, even with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

Lyme Disease and Treatment
You are feeling fatigued, experiencing a lagging overall achiness, heart palpitations, poor sleep and brain fog, yet you pay a visit to your doctor who says you do not have Lyme Disease, so no need to test any further. Maybe you have a firm diagnosis but you do not know whom to turn to for help. Lyme Disease is well known to be very complex, yet it is still not very well understood.

Fibromyalgia: When Nobody Understands
Many times, fibromyalgia has been lingering for months or even years before a diagnosis. The amplified and often chronic pain and fatigue can lead to depression and anxiety as well as sleep disorders due to debilitating symptoms. Many times, these individuals are labeled as complainers or lazy, but this is only due to not being understood. Do you feel exhausted and achy all over yet it never goes away?

What You May Not Know About Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract, mostly affecting the small intestine and sometimes extending to the colon. A misconception of inflammatory bowel disease categorizes and defines it by the fact that the person has diarrhea and cramping. Anyone who suffers from it knows that would make illnesses like Crohn’s Disease way too simple.