
25 Natural Ways to Defeat Stress
No one likes feeling stressed. Thankfully, there are many ways that you can reduce your anxieties and boost your happy-making hormones. Here are just a few suggestions for managing your stress.

How to keep financial stress from affecting your health
Financial issues are overwhelming at times, to the point where they can start to affect your health. The impact of stress on your health may end up being something that grows into a major health concern. To combat financial worry, planning and taking steps to enjoy life will have you worrying less and smiling more often.

What does cortisol do to your body when you are stressed?
While we want to believe that we are handling our challenges to the best of our ability, chronic stress can make us susceptible to a host of health issues. Insomnia, compromised immunity, high blood pressure, inflammation, and poor digestion are just a few of the problems that can develop as the body has to deal with high levels of stress.

How is stress affecting your health?
Stress is a part of everyday life. Driving through rush hour traffic, tight deadlines at work, even cleaning the house can all contribute to daily stress. While we expect to experience certain regular stressors, too much stress can have serious consequences for your health — especially your digestive health.